Our Instructors

Roman Kouzmenko

With over 20 years of experience in yoga and meditation, Roman's passion for holistic wellness shines through in every class he teaches. He is a Senior (Level 3) Yoga Teacher member of Yoga Australia and has completed extensive training in the Iyengar, Yoga Synergy, and Calligraphy Health (Yoga & Qi Gong) traditions.

Roman's journey with yoga began when he experienced its profound impact on his own fitness, state of mind, and overall life. This led him to share his love for yoga with others and in 2005, he continued his training under the guidance of Simon Borg-Olivier and Bianca Machliss, the founders of Yoga Synergy. In 2012, he started training with Master Zhen Hua Yang, the founder of Calligraphy Yoga and Qi Gong.

In 2016, Roman began training with Master Peter Wu Shi-zeng, focusing on using body integration movements, breath techniques, and mudra for explosive power and increased vitality. Roman has been practicing Buddhist meditation since 2000 and was asked by Lama Ole Nydahl to start teaching others in 2003. He has since taught over 60 meditation courses in various centers around Australia, Asia, and Europe.

Roman is the proud director and principal teacher at Chi Flow studio in Malvern and has taught courses across Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Germany, Switzerland, Slovakia, Netherlands, Hungary, and Russia. His dynamic, energetic, and joyful teaching style makes him one of the leading yoga teachers in Melbourne.

For those in Armadale, Toorak, Malvern, Caulfield, and Prahran, check out our timetable to join one of Roman's empowering classes.

Elisabeth Stillitano

A yoga practitioner for over 22 years, Elisabeth is a certified Chi Flow yoga teacher since 2017 and a registered Level 2 instructor with Yoga Australia.

Movement is a vital presence early in her life, as a practitioner of dance and other movement practices. She believes that the way we move influences the way we feel, connect and communicate in our lives. The love of movement and the desire to prepare her body for childbirth led her to yoga.

Through her practice of yoga, breath and mindfulness came contentment, peace, quietness of the mind and clarity. She began to let go of layers of conditioning, while also experiencing the joy of just “being”.

Her practice began with Iyengar yoga tradition under Isabelle Danko and naturally followed the teaching and evolution of her teacher into other styles of yoga, Yoga Synergy and Shadow Yoga.

The Chi Flow system was the perfect combination and she embraced Roman’s free-flowing intuitive practice which brings together principles of Qigong, postures of Indian and Tibetan Yoga and principles of Tai Chi.

Chi Flow conscious, intuitive movement system restores instinctive potential, to sense and to feel connected with ourselves, restores health, strength and vitality. When our external world is fast and tense, we can turn to our internal world, connecting with each breath is an opportunity to start over.

Her classes are deep, graceful, allowing fluidity and ease to the practice. Awareness is on connecting with the breath, calming the mind, releasing tensions, whilst strengthening the body. Chi Flow creates within the movement a state of presence that is meditative, energy building and leading to a sense of peace and happiness. She delights in her students experiencing and trusting their self-healing potential.

Elisabeth loves the sun and the sea, dancing, hiking and skiing untouched snow slopes. She teaches Monday 6.30pm and Saturday 8am classes and actively participates in regular workshops at the studio. She also leads classes in Roman’s absence.