Chi Flow for Multiple Sclerosis Support

Discover the transformative power of exercise and movement therapy in managing multiple sclerosis (MS) at our studio. MS is a chronic disease that affects the central nervous system, causing a range of symptoms. While the symptoms experienced by women and men are similar, there are certain differences that specifically impact women.

Fatigue, pain, muscle spasms or stiffness, bladder problems, and changes to memory or thinking are some common symptoms of MS that affect both women and men. However, women may face additional challenges due to hormonal fluctuations. The rise in body temperature before and during menstruation can exacerbate symptoms such as fatigue, depression, balance issues, and weakness. We understand the unique needs of women with MS and provide specialised support during these phases.

While males and females share many symptoms, there are certain distinctions. Men with MS may experience sexual dysfunction, including erectile dysfunction and issues with arousal and ejaculation. They may also be more susceptible to greater neurodegeneration and cognitive dysfunction. Initial symptoms of MS often involve changes in vision.

MS is a disease characterized by the immune system attacking the protective layer around nerve fibers, called myelin, resulting in inflammation and lesions. This disrupts the brain's ability to send signals to the rest of the body. The symptoms of MS can vary greatly and may include visual changes, numbness, tingling or weakness, paralysis, vertigo, erectile dysfunction, pregnancy complications, urinary incontinence or retention, muscle spasticity, lack of muscle coordination, tremors, slurred speech, and fatigue.

The signs and symptoms of MS differ from person to person and can change over time depending on the location of the affected nerve fibers. Some common symptoms include numbness or weakness in one or more limbs, often occurring on one side of the body at a time, tingling sensations with certain neck movements (known as Lhermitte sign), lack of coordination, unsteady gait, and difficulties in walking.

At our studio, we recognise the immense benefits of exercise and physical activity in managing MS symptoms. Our tailored programs consider each individual's abilities and preferences, ensuring that exercise is not overdone to avoid strain, pain, and stress. Research has shown that even moderate exercise can significantly improve balance, reduce fatigue, enhance cardiovascular fitness, and enhance overall quality of life.

By engaging in our programs, you can expect the following benefits:

  • Reduced fatigue levels

  • Improved endurance and cardiovascular fitness

  • Enhanced balance and coordination

  • Increased muscle strength

  • Improved posture and flexibility

  • Enhanced mood, confidence, and overall well-being

  • Heightened alertness and concentration

  • Improved ability to perform daily tasks

  • Reduced risk of falls

  • Optimized symptom recovery after a relapse

  • Increased energy levels

Join our studio and discover a supportive environment that understands the unique challenges of living with MS. Through exercise, we aim to empower you on your journey toward better health, vitality, and a life filled with joy and fulfillment.